How We're Cooking Mushrooms These Days
It's a great side dish for a number of things. In this case we had it with baked salmon, wild rice, and green salad.
We also had it along with steak - oven grilled steak - under the broiler. We just put the mushrooms in the pan for the last few minutes. They cook really fast under the broiler! As you can see, we paired this with really cute individually roasted squash.
The roasted mushrooms can also be added to dishes at or near the end, as in this case, where we topped a bok-choi and mushroom stirfry with the roasted delicacies. We sauted half the mushrooms with the bok choi and roasted the other half, which created two different flavors of mushrooms in the same dish. Quite unique and fun!
Sounds delicious! Can't wait to try it myself.