More Greens
Okay, first I must explain a camera fiasco which led to the lack of posts this week. Well, a camera confusion and the construction (see this blog) which has led my mind to be on auto-pilot and also led to us eating out a few more times per week than usual. See, unbeknownst to me, a setting on the camera had been altered. The default setting would not allow you to actually take a photo when the memory card was not inserted. You simply could not press down the shutter button. Also, it would tell you no memory card installed when you turned it on. Thus, I did not think to look if the card was installed (there are other indicators on the camera, so you do not need to open it up to find this out), and it allowed me to take several photos, which could be stored in temporary memory - I scrolled back through them and looked at them after taking them, which to me meant they were "saved". But alas, when the camera was turned OFF, all was lost. Sigh.
We actually managed to cook 2 beautiful meals this week which will not be presented: a lovely nicoise salad, and a seared-tuna with parsley salad (from the sfgate recipe page). The salad looked like this, more or less (only without the really cool bowl):

So if you use your imagination, you can imagine lovely seared ahi tuna next to the salad.
Alright then, enough with the confessions. We eat greens, you've probably noticed by now, at least once a week. This is because (a) they are really good for you and (b) they seem to come regularly from Planet Organics (thank you PO!) and (c) they are easy and quick to make.
This version of sauted greens included spicy italian sausage and a little crumbled goat cheese atop pasta.
We actually managed to cook 2 beautiful meals this week which will not be presented: a lovely nicoise salad, and a seared-tuna with parsley salad (from the sfgate recipe page). The salad looked like this, more or less (only without the really cool bowl):

So if you use your imagination, you can imagine lovely seared ahi tuna next to the salad.
Alright then, enough with the confessions. We eat greens, you've probably noticed by now, at least once a week. This is because (a) they are really good for you and (b) they seem to come regularly from Planet Organics (thank you PO!) and (c) they are easy and quick to make.
This version of sauted greens included spicy italian sausage and a little crumbled goat cheese atop pasta.
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